Travel birds
West Indies 2013
Vastindien 352 (1)
Ruddy turnstone (arenaria interpres) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (2)
Gray kingbird (tyrannus dominicensis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (3)
Zenaida dove (zenaida aurita) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (4)
Common ground-dove (columbina passerina) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (5)
Lesser Antillean saltator (saltator albicollis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (6)
Lesser Antillean bullfinch (loxigilla noctis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (7)
Spotted sandpiper (actitis macujlaria) Rodney Bay marina, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (8)
Spotted sandpiper (actitis macujlaria) Rodney Bay marina, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (9)
Green-throated carib (eulampis holosericeus) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (10)
Green-throated carib (eulampis holosericeus) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (11)
Tropical mockingbird (mimus gilvus) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (12)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (13)
Gray kingbird (tyrannus dominicensis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (14)
Gray trembler (cinclocerthia gutturalis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (15)
Gray trembler (cinclocerthia gutturalis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (16)
Broad-winged hawk (buteo platypterus) St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (17)
Broad-winged hawk (buteo platypterus) St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (18)
White-breasted thrasher (ramphocinclus brachyurus) St. Lucia. This is a possible neartime split and in that chase endemic to St.Lucia
Vastindien 352 (19)
St. Lucia pewee (contipus oberi) St. Lucia. Endemic to St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (20)
St. Lucia pewee (contipus oberi) St. Lucia. Endemic to St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (21)
St. Lucia pewee (contipus oberi) St. Lucia. Endemic to St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (22)
Royal tern (sterna maxima) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (23)
Scaly-breasted thrasher (allenica fusca) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (24)
Scaly-breasted thrasher (allenica fusca) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (25)
Brown pelican (pelecanus occidentalis) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (26)
Bananaquit (coereba flaveola) Rodney Bay, St Lucia. The most common bird during our trip.
Vastindien 352 (27)
Bananaquit (coereba flaveola) Rodney Bay, St Lucia. The most common bird during our trip.
Vastindien 352 (28)
Eared dove (zenaida auriculata) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (29)
Antillean crested hummingbird (orthorhyncus cristatus) Rodney Bay, St Lucia
Vastindien 352 (30)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (31)
Green honeycreeper (chlorophanes spiza) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (32)
Golden-headed manakin (pipra erythrocephala) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (33)
Golden-headed manakin (pipra erythrocephala) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (34)
White-necked thrush (turdus albicollis) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (35)
Plain-brown woodcreeper (centrocincla fuliginosa) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (36)
Rufous-breasted hermit (glaucis hirsutus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (37)
White-necked jacobin female (florisuga mellivora) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (38)
Purple honeycreeper (cyanerpes caeruleus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (39)
Orange-winged amazon (amazona amazonica) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (40)
Crested oropendola (psarocolius decumanus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (41)
Palm tanager (thraupis palmarum) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (42)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (43)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (44)
Tropical mockingbird (mimus gilvus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (45)
Crested oropendola (psarocolius decumanus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (46)
Turkey vulture (cathartes aura) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (47)
Turkey vulture (cathartes aura) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (48)
Bay-headed tanager (tangara gyrola) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (49)
White-bearded manakin (manacus manacus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (50)
Green honeycreeper female (chlorophanes spiza) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (51)
Blue-grey tanager (thraupis episcopus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (52)
Blue dacnis female (dacnis cayana) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (53)
Green honeycreeper (chlorophanes spiza) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (54)
Great kiskadee (pitangus sulphuratus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (55)
White-lined tanager (tachyphonus rufus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (56)
Great kiskadee (pitangus sulphuratus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (57)
Turquoise tanager (tangara mexicana) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (58)
Silver-beaked tanager (ramphocelus carbo) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (59)
White-lined tanager female (tachyphonus rufus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (60)
White-lined tanager (tachyphonus rufus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (61)
Silver-beaked tanager female (ramphocelus carbo) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (62)
Cocoa thrush (turdus fumigatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (63)
Palm tanager (thraupis palmarum) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (64)
Tropical kingbird (tyrannus melancholicus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (65)
Orange-winged amazon (amazona amazonica) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (66)
White-bearded manakin (manacus manacus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (67)
White-bearded manakin (manacus manacus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (68)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (69)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (70)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (71)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (72)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (73)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (74)
Tufted coquette (lophornis ornatus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (75)
Oilbird (steatornis caripensis) Dunston Cave at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (76)
Oilbird (steatornis caripensis) Dunston Cave at Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (77)
Turquoise tanager (tangara mexicana) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (78)
Turquoise tanager (tangara mexicana) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (79)
Smooth-billed ani (crotophaga ani) Aripo Livestock station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (80)
Smooth-billed ani (crotophaga ani) Aripo Livestock station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (81)
Solitary sandpiper (tringa solitaria) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (82)
Caribean grackle (quiscalus lugubris) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (83)
Wattled jacana (jacana jacana) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (84)
Grey-breasted martin (progne chalybea) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (85)
Southern lapwing (venellus chilensis) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (86)
Southern lapwing (venellus chilensis) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (87)
Wattled jacana (jacana jacana) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (88)
White-winged swallow (tachycineta albiventer) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (89)
Grassland yellow finch (sicalis luteola) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (90)
Ruddy ground-dove (columbina talpacoti) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (91)
Red-breasted blackbird (sturnella militaris) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (92)
White-headed marsh tyrant (arundinicola leucocephala) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (93)
Ruddy-breasted seedeater (sporophila minuta) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (94)
Ruddy-breasted seedeater (sporophila minuta) Aripo Livestock Station, Trinidad. Rare bird on Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (95)
Yellow-headed caracara juvenile (milvago chimachima) Nariva river, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (96)
Savannah hawk (buteogallus meridionalis) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (97)
Savannah hawk (buteogallus meridionalis) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (98)
Pied water tyrant (fluvicola pica) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (99)
Yellow-chinned spinetail (certhiaxis cinnamomeus) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (100)
Yellow-chinned spinetail (certhiaxis cinnamomeus) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (101)
Grey-lined hawk (Buteo nitidus), Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (102)
Little blue heron (egretta caerulea) and great egret (ardea alba) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (103)
Wattled jacana juvenile (jacana jacana) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (104)
Tropical kingbird (tyrannus melancholicus) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (105)
Pied water tyrant (fluvicola pica) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (106)
White-headed marsh tyrant (arundinicola leucocephala)
Vastindien 352 (107)
Yellow oriole (icterus nigogularis) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (108)
Wattled jacana (jacana jacana) Nariva swamp, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (109)
White-necked jacobin (florisuga mellivora) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (110)
White-necked jacobin (florisuga mellivora) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (111)
Green-throated mango (anthracothorax viridigula) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (112)
Golden-crowned warbler (basileuterus culicivorus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (113)
Green-backed trogon (Trogon viridis) Blanchisseuse road, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (114)
Collared trogon (trogon collaris) Blanchisseuse road, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (116)
Purple honeycreeper (cyanerpes caeruleus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (117)
Purple honeycreeper (cyanerpes caeruleus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (118)
Violaceous euphonia (euphonia violacea) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (119)
Violaceous euphonia (euphonia violacea) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (120)
Violaceous euphonia (euphonia violacea) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (121)
Purple honeycreeper female (cyanerpes caeruleus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (122)
Purple honeycreeper female (cyanerpes caeruleus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (123)
White-necked jacobin female (florisuga mellivora) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (124)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (125)
Rufous-breasted hermit (glaucis hirsutus) Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad
Vastindien 352 (126)
Golden-olive woodpecker (piculus rubiginousus) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (128)
Broad-winged hawk (buteo platypterus) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (129)
Broad-winged hawk (buteo platypterus) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (130)
Trinidad motmot (momotus momota) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (131)
Golden-olive woodpecker (piculus rubiginousus) Gilpin trail, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (132)
Blue -backed manakin (chiroxiphia pereola) Gilpin trail, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (133)
Blue -backed manakin (chiroxiphia pereola) Gilpin trail, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (134)
Red-rumped woodpecker (veniliornis kirkii) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (135)
White-tailed sabrewing female (campylopterus ensipennis) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (136)
Trinidad motmot (momotus momota) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (137)
Trinidad motmot (momotus momota) Roxborough-Parlatuvier road, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (139)
Gey-fronted dove (leptotila rufaxilla) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (140)
Rufous-vented chachalaca (oralis ruficauda) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (141)
Shiny cowbird (molothrus bonariensis) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (142)
Blue-grey tanager (thraupis episcopus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (143)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (144)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (145)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (146)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (147)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (148)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (149)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (151)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) attacking and trying to get a Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) to throw up a fish and it is working, Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (152)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) attacking and trying to get a Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) to throw up a fish and it is working, Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (153)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) attacking and trying to get a Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) to throw up a fish and it is working, Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (154)
Magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) attacking and trying to get a Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) to throw up a fish and it is working, Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (155)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (156)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (157)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (158)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (159)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (160)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (161)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (162)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (163)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (164)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (165)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (166)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (167)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (168)
Brown booby (sula leucogaster) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (169)
Red-billed tropicbird (phaethon aethereus) Little Tobago
Vastindien 352 (170)
Brown-crested flycatcher (myiarchus tyrannulus) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (171)
White-fringed antwren (formicivora grisea) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (172)
Rufous-vented chachalaca (oralis ruficauda) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (173)
White-tipped dove (leptotila verreauxi) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (174)
White-tipped dove (leptotila verreauxi) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (175)
Black-troated mango (anthracothorax nigricollis) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (176)
Ruddy turnstone (arenaria interpres) Blue Waters Inn, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (177)
Barred antshrike (thamnophilus doliatus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (178)
Eared dove juvenile (Zenaida auriculata) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (179)
Vastindien 352 (180)
Barred antshrike female (thamnophilus doliatus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (181)
Venezuelan flycatcher (myiarchus venzuelensis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (182)
Venezuelan flycatcher (myiarchus venzuelensis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (183)
Barred antshrike (thamnophilus doliatus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (184)
Spectacled thrush (turdus nudigenis) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (185)
Spectacled thrush (turdus nudigenis) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (186)
Southern house wren (troglodytes musculus albicans) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (187)
Barred antshrike (thamnophilus doliatus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (188)
Orange-winged amazon (amazona amazonica) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (189)
Orange-winged amazon (amazona amazonica) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (190)
Blue-grey tanager (thraupis episcopus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (191)
White-necked jacobin (florisuga mellivora) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (192)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (193)
White-necked jacobin (florisuga mellivora) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (194)
Rufous-breasted hermit (glaucis hirsutus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (195)
White-tailed sabrewing (campylopterus ensipennis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (196)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (197)
Barred antshrike female (thamnophilus doliatus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (198)
Black-faced grassquit (tiaris bicolor) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (199)
Trinidad motmot (momotus momota) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (200)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (201)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (202)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (203)
White-necked jacobin (florisuga mellivora) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (204)
Rufous-tailed jacamar (galbula ruficauda) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (205)
Rufous-tailed jacamar (galbula ruficauda) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (206)
White-fringed antwren (formicivora grisea) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (207)
Rufous-tailed jacamar (galbula ruficauda) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (208)
White-tailed sabrewing female (campylopterus ensipennis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (209)
White-tailed sabrewing (campylopterus ensipennis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (210)
White-tailed sabrewing (campylopterus ensipennis) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (211)
Copper-rumped hummingbird (amazilia tobaci) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (212)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (213)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (214)
Ruby topaz (chrysolampis mosquitus) Cuffie River Nature Retreat, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (215)
Eared dove (Zenaida auriculata) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (216)
Red-crowned woodpecker (melanerpes rebicapillus) Cuffie River Nature Resort, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (217)
Great egret (ardea alba) Tobago
Vastindien 352 (218)
Yellow-crowned night heron (nyctanassa violacea) Tobago
Vastindien 352 (219)
Whimbrel (numenius phaeopus hudsonicus) southern shore of Tobago
Vastindien 352 (220)
Sanderling (calidris alba) southern shore of Tobago
Vastindien 352 (221)
White-cheeked pintail (anan bahamensis) mangrove area southeast of the airport, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (222)
Yellow-crowned night heron (nyctanassa violacea) Tobago
Vastindien 352 (223)
Anhinga (anhinga anhinga) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (224)
Great egret (ardea alba) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (225)
Snowy egret (egretta thula) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (226)
Green heron (butorides virescens) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (227)
Mangrove cuckoo (coccyzus minor) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (228)
Mangrove cuckoo (coccyzus minor) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (229)
Yellow-breasted flycatcher (tolmomyias flaviventris) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (230)
Yellow-breasted flycatcher (tolmomyias flaviventris) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (231)
Green heron (butorides virescens) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (232)
Little blue heron (egretta caerulea) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (233)
Green-rumped parrotlet (forpus passerinus) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (234)
Red-crowned woodpecker (melanerpes rebicapillus), from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (235)
Green-rumped parrotlet (forpus passerinus) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (236)
Purple gallinule (porphyrio martinica) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (237)
Black-bellied whistling duck (dendrocygna autumnalis) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (238)
Blue-winged teal (anas discors) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (239)
Least grebe (tachybaptus dominicus) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (241)
Yellow warbler (dendroica petechia) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (242)
Wattled jacana (jacana jacana), from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
Vastindien 352 (243)
Tricoloured heron (egretta tricolor) from the area around former Hilton hotel and the gold course, Tobago
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Great egret (ardea alba) Tobago
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Great egret (ardea alba) Tobago
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Eared dove (zenaida auriculata) Crown Point Beach hotel
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White-tipped dove (leptotila verreauxi) Crown Point Beach hotel
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Green-rumped parrotlet (forpus passerinus) Crown Point Beach hotel, Tobago
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Black-headed gull (larus ridibundus) Crown Point Beach hotel. The fourth find for Tobago but the first documented and discovered by me the last day. I called my guide who also is a member of the rarity committe and he was really happy to see it.